Linked page new window


This page has opened in a new Tab. Whether a link opens in the same tab or a new one is preset by the website you are using. A general convention is that new pages in the same website should open in the same window, whereas if a link takes you to another website then it may open in a new window. This is because having a lot of windows open at the same time starts to get a bit confusing.

You will now have two separate Tabs open, one showing this page and the other showing the page which you just came from. The tab bar near the top of the window will show that two tabs are open. The active tab, ie the one for the page you are viewing, is highlighted. You can swap between the tabs by clicking on them. When you want to close a tab then click on the X to the right of the name in the tab bar. If you do this now and close down the tab for this window you should return to the previous page.

If you inadvertently close the wrong tab then use the menu on the left to return to the Basic Internet Exercise page.